In the Footsteps of the Buddha - Peepal Pilgrimage
Open dates all year round

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Buddhapath (Eleven Directions) is 3rd in this august global list (including Plum village and Spirit Rock) of inner journeys in outer spaces. Rating has been done by CNN. Read more...
ahimsa trust

Shakyamuni Buddha discovered the truth of overcoming suffering and bringing happiness to the individual, family and society. Before he died, the Buddha suggested that it would be of great benefit to those who are interested in his teachings to make a pilgrimage to the places associated with his life.

We have an opportunity to travel in the company of Shantum Seth, an experienced and renowned guide on the Buddha's path, who has been leading pilgrimages since 1988. A Buddhist scholar and practitioner, he is an ordained Dharma teacher in the Zen tradition of the Vietnamese Master, Thich Nhat Hanh. As we journey, Shantum shares stories and teachings of the Buddha and the practices of daily meditation and mindfulness. In this way the Buddha comes alive not only as a historical person, but in the here and now, someone who is relevant to our lives today.

Together we visit the actual sites where the historical Buddha was born, spent his childhood, attained enlightenment, taught, meditated and where he passed away. We travel along the fertile plains of the Ganges, beautiful with its mustard and lentil fields, to the lush 'terai' that leads to the foothills of the Himalayas. We visit the remains of ancient monasteries and stupas, museums with exquisite art, living temples and villages that have changed little since the time of the Buddha 2,500 years ago. We take a boat ride, stop at mango groves, visit Hindu temples, Muslim mosques, visit schools and meet/mingle with pilgrims from all over the world.

The pilgrimage has all the ingredients of a truly memorable journey, widening our perceptions and consciousness. It is an opportunity not only to deepen our knowledge and practice of the Buddha and his teachings but also to get an insight into an India that few penetrate. On this journey we touch a culture and civilization that are both ancient and contemporary. We take an inner and an outer journey through a fascinating and mysterious India.

India herself is a great teacher. Shantum, who has been an advisor to the United Nations Development Programme on a number of social development and environmental programmes in India, shares the underlying structures and subtleties of Indian society so that the travelers get a real sense of our living and ancient cultures. We visit homes of both villagers and city dwellers, and have an opportunity to share ideas and stories with local people. This journey is not only intellectually stimulating, exposing the mind to challenging ideas and diverse lifestyles, but also spiritually transformative.

Normally there are 8-20 people on each journey, which allows for greater individual attention in the context of a supportive sangha and also makes it possible to cater to personal needs and interests.


Extensions that may be added before and after the Peepal Pilgrimage:


Journey to the East - Touching the Earth

The Taj Mahal at Agra

The Exquisite Caves


Pilgrimage Sites >>


Sample Itineraries

Peepal Pilgrimage: (14 days)
Peepal Pilgrimage (HALF)- I: (9 days)
Peepal Pilgrimage (HALF)- II: (9 days)
Peepal Pilgrimage (Agra Option): (1 day)
Peepal Pilgrimage (Caves Option): (3 days)


For futher information & registration please contact us at


Peepal Pilgrimage: Sample Itineraries (14 days)

Day 1: Begin at 12 Noon. Delhi - Varanasi by air

Day 2: Varanasi

Day 3: Varanasi- Bodhgaya

Day 4: Bodhgaya

Day 5: Bodhgaya - Nalanda - Rajgir

Day 6: Rajgir

Day 7: Rajgir - Vaishali

Day 8: Vaishali - Kushinagar

Day 9: Kushinagar - Lumbini

Day 10: Lumbini

Day 11: Lumbini - Kapilavastu

Day 12: Kapilavastu - Sravasti

Day 13: Sravasti

Day 14: Sravasti - Lucknow - Delhi by air. Departure or Lucknow - Agra by train (for Agra option)


With the Agra Option:

Day 1: Sravasti - Lucknow - Agra by train

Day 2: Agra - Delhi by Satabadi train. Departure.


With the Caves Option:

Day 1: Delhi - Aurangabad by air

Day 2: Aurangabad.

Day 3 : Aurangabad - Delhi by air. Departure.



Peepal Pilgrimage (HALF)- I: (9 days)

Day 1: Begin at 12 Noon. Delhi - Varanasi by air

Day 2: Varanasi

Day 3: Varanasi- Bodhgaya

Day 4: Bodhgaya

Day 5: Bodhgaya - Nalanda - Rajgir

Day 6: Rajgir

Day 7: Rajgir - Vaishali

Day 8: Vaishali - Kushinagar

Day 9: Kushinagar - Gorakhpur - Delhi by air. Departure




Peepal Pilgrimage (HALF)- II: (9 days)

Day 1: Delhi -Patna - Rajgir

Day 2: Rajgir

Day 3: Rajgir - Vaishali

Day 4: Vaishali - Kushinagar

Day 5: Kushinagar - Lumbini

Day 6: Lumbini

Day 7: Lumbini - Sravasti

Day 8: Sravasti

Day 9: Sravasti - Lucknow - Delhi by air. Departure or Lucknow - Agra by train (for Agra option)


With the Agra Option:

Day 1: Sravasti - Lucknow - Agra by train

Day 2: Agra - Delhi by Satabadi train. Departure.


With the Caves Option:

Day 1: Delhi - Aurangabad by air

Day 2: Aurangabad.

Day 3 : Aurangabad - Delhi by air. Departure.



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